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1.杨柳, 宋红丽. 机械灌注技术在器官移植中的应用[J]. 中华器官移植杂志, 2021, 42(2):118-121.
3.Nasralla D, et al.A randomized trial of normothermic preservation in liver transplantation. Nature. 2018;557(7703):50-56.
4.van Rijn R, et al.Hypothermic Machine Perfusion in Liver Transplantation — A Randomized Trial[J]. New England Journal of Medicine, 2021,;384(15):1391-1401.
5.Yili Zhang,et al.Hypothermic machine perfusion reduces the incidences of early allograft dysfunction and biliary complications and improves 1-year graft survival after human liver transplantation: A meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore) . 2019;98(23):e16033.
6.Jasper Kox,et al.The Benefits of Hypothermic Machine Preservation and Short Cold Ischemia Times in Deceased Donor Kidneys. Transplantation . 2018;102(8):1344-1350.
7.Tingle SJ, et al. Hypothermic machine perfusion is superior to static cold storage in deceased donor kidney transplantation: A meta-analysis.Clin Transplant. 2020;34(4):e13814.
